Kanal 2 saatekava 11.12.2023 - 17.12.2023

Kava keel: en et

Esmaspäev 11.12.2023

06:00 100 Special Estonians, H1/E5

06:30 Our Family and Other Animals, H2/E1*

07:00 Reporter+, H2023/E72*

07:30 , H4/E13*

08:00 The Last Cop, H1/E2*. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

09:00 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E14*

10:30 Estonians in Dubai, E5*

11:00 , H6/E2*

12:00 , E3

13:00 , H1/E8*

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E103

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E752

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E36

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E753

16:00 Forbidden Fruit, H6/E480

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E754

17:00 , H6/E3

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E755

18:00 The Last Cop, H1/E3. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2023/E180

20:00 , H2/E61

20:30 Investigator, H16/E14. Katrin Lust's journalistic TV magazine takes a closer look at the hidden side of Estonian life, which hides captivating stories.

21:30 Õhtu!, H6/E61

22:30 Under the Clouds, H23/E1

23:40 NCIS, H5/E19. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

00:40 , H5/E6

01:45 , H8/E11

02:45 Under the Clouds, H23/E1*

03:50 , H3/E14*

04:55 House Rules Australia, H8/E21

Teisipäev 12.12.2023

06:00 100 Special Estonians, H1/E6

06:30 Reporter, H2023/E180*

07:30 , H2/E61*

08:00 The Last Cop, H1/E3*. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

09:00 Õhtu!, H6/E61*

10:00 Investigator, H16/E14*. Katrin Lust's journalistic TV magazine takes a closer look at the hidden side of Estonian life, which hides captivating stories.

11:00 , H6/E3*

12:00 Fast and Beautiful in Georgia, E5. Four great entertainers Tanel Padar, Ott Sepp, Sepo Seeman and Ago Anderson go on a great adventure through hot Georgia. In the middle of delicious tastes and intoxicating drinks, the quartet faces fun challenges. There are fun tasks every day, but also athletic challenges.

13:00 NCIS, H5/E19*. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E104

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E756

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E37

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E757

16:00 Forbidden Fruit, H6/E481

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E758

17:00 , H6/E4

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E759

18:00 The Last Cop, H1/E4. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2023/E181

20:00 , H2/E62

20:30 , H3/E15

21:30 Õhtu!, H6/E62

22:30 Criminal Week, H18/E15

23:00 Under the Clouds, H23/E2

00:10 NCIS, H6/E1. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

01:05 , H5/E7

02:15 , H8/E12

03:10 , H1/E8*

04:05 , H2/E61*

04:35 Postimees.ee, E773

04:45 House Rules Australia, H8/E22

Kolmapäev 13.12.2023

06:00 100 Special Estonians, H1/E7

06:30 Reporter, H2023/E181*

07:30 , H2/E62*

08:00 The Last Cop, H1/E4*. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

09:00 Õhtu!, H6/E62*

10:00 , H3/E15*

11:00 , H6/E4*

12:00 Roald's Trips, H3/E7*

13:00 NCIS, H6/E1*. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E105

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E760

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E38

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E761

16:00 Forbidden Fruit, H6/E482

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E762

17:00 , H6/E5

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E763

18:00 The Last Cop, H1/E5. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2023/E182

20:00 , H2/E63

20:30 , H2/E9

21:30 Õhtu!, H6/E63

22:30 Under the Clouds, H23/E3

23:35 NCIS, H6/E2. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

00:30 , H5/E8

01:40 , H8/E13

02:40 Under the Clouds, H23/E2*

03:50 , H2/E62*

04:20 Postimees.ee, E774

04:45 House Rules Australia, H8/E23

Neljapäev 14.12.2023

06:00 100 Special Estonians, H1/E8

06:30 Reporter, H2023/E182*

07:30 , H2/E63*

08:00 The Last Cop, H1/E5*. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

09:00 Õhtu!, H6/E63*

10:00 My Mom Cooks Better Than Yours, H5/E11*. In an engaging TV show, two couples face each other in making family recipes. Mothers instruct and children cook. The jury selects the most delicious dish with a blind test. The best pair wins prize money and can defend their title in the next show. In a show where the whole family is in the limelight, emotions are quick to boil over. If a parent feels that his or her twig cannot handle the task, he or she has the opportunity to press the panic button and put his or her hands on it, but it also comes at a price - all the cooking time will run at double the speed. Presenter Robert Rool.

11:00 , H6/E5*

12:00 Crazy 00s, E11

13:00 NCIS, H6/E2*. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E106

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E764

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E39

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E765

16:00 Forbidden Fruit, H6/E483

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E766

17:00 , H6/E6

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E767

18:00 The Last Cop, H1/E6. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2023/E183

20:00 , H2/E64

20:30 , H5/E8

21:30 Õhtu!, H6/E64

22:30 Under the Clouds, H23/E4

23:35 NCIS, H6/E3. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

00:35 , H5/E9

01:40 Under the Clouds, H23/E3*

02:45 Under the Clouds, H23/E4*

03:50 Criminal Week, H18/E15*

04:20 Postimees.ee, E775

04:45 House Rules Australia, H8/E24

Reede 15.12.2023

06:00 100 Special Estonians, H1/E9

06:30 Reporter, H2023/E183*

07:30 , H2/E64*

08:00 The Last Cop, H1/E6*. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

09:00 Õhtu!, H6/E64*

10:00 , H5/E8*

11:00 , H6/E6*

12:00 *

13:00 NCIS, H6/E3*. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E107

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E768

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E40

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E769

16:00 Forbidden Fruit, H6/E484

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E770

17:00 , H6/E7

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2023/E771

18:00 The Last Cop, H1/E7. A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2023/E184

20:00 , H4/E14

20:30 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E15

22:00 Mängufilm (Mehed, Estonia 2019) R: Gerda Kordemets O: Tiit Sukk, Margus Prangel, Veikko Täär

00:10 Mängufilm (Wild Target, France, United Kingdom 2010) R: Jonathan Lynn O: Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Grint

02:10 Õhtu!, H6/E64*

03:05 Postimees.ee, E776

03:30 House Rules Australia, H8/E25

04:30 Reporter, H2023/E184*

Laupäev 16.12.2023

05:30 Mängufilm (Katie Fforde - Eine Liebe in den Highlands, 2010)* R: John Delbridge O: Henriette Richter-Röhl, Johannes Zirner, Alexander Sternberg

07:30 Kidzone lastehommik - , H1/E9

07:45 Kidzone lastehommik - , H1/E10

08:00 Kidzone lastehommik - , H5/E20

08:30 Kidzone lastehommik - , H1/E21

08:45 Kidzone lastehommik - , H1/E9

09:00 Kidzone lastehommik - , H1/E8

09:30 Our Family and Other Animals, H2/E2

10:00 Estonians in Dubai, E6

10:30 Season, H19/E16

11:00 , H6/E11

11:30 Steering Power, H25/E16

12:00 , H3/E15*


13:30 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E15*


17:00 Mängufilm (Katie Fforde - Festtagsstimmung, Germany 2010) R: John Delbridge O: Rebecca Immanuel, Julia Brendler, Anna Hausburg

19:00 Otse! Reporter+, H2023/E73

19:30 My Mom Cooks Better Than Yours, H5/E12. In an engaging TV show, two couples face each other in making family recipes. Mothers instruct and children cook. The jury selects the most delicious dish with a blind test. The best pair wins prize money and can defend their title in the next show. In a show where the whole family is in the limelight, emotions are quick to boil over. If a parent feels that his or her twig cannot handle the task, he or she has the opportunity to press the panic button and put his or her hands on it, but it also comes at a price - all the cooking time will run at double the speed. Presenter Robert Rool.


21:30 , H5/E3

23:30 Mängufilm (Four Christmases, Germany, United States 2008) R: Seth Gordon O: Reese Witherspoon, Vince Vaughn, Mary Steenburgen

01:20 Mängufilm (Three Fugitives, United States 1989)* R: Francis Veber O: Nick Nolte, Martin Short, James Earl Jones

03:20 *

04:15 , H2/E64*

04:45 Postimees.ee, E777

05:00 Reporter+, H2023/E73*

Pühapäev 17.12.2023

05:30 Mängufilm (Inga Lindström: Jemand liebt dich, Germany 2022)* R: Marco Serafini O: Natalie Thiede, Tom Radisch, Sabine Vitua

07:30 Kidzone lastehommik - , H1/E11

07:45 Kidzone lastehommik - , H1/E12

08:00 Kidzone lastehommik - , H5/E21

08:30 Kidzone lastehommik - , H1/E22

08:45 Kidzone lastehommik - , H1/E10

09:00 Kidzone lastehommik - Barbie: A Touch of Magic, H1/E8. Barbie "Malibu" Roberts and Barbie "Brooklyn" Roberts discover a mysterious baby Pegasus on the beach in Malibu and work to find out where the magical horse came from. While they try to find out how to get little Peggy home, Malibu and Brooklyn, with the help of Malibu's sisters and best friend Ken, have to protect their four-legged friend from a Glyph, the fantastical creature that followed Peggy in hopes of stealing the little horse's wings.

09:30 , H2/E9

10:30 , H4/E14*

11:00 *

12:00 My Mom Cooks Better Than Yours, H5/E12*. In an engaging TV show, two couples face each other in making family recipes. Mothers instruct and children cook. The jury selects the most delicious dish with a blind test. The best pair wins prize money and can defend their title in the next show. In a show where the whole family is in the limelight, emotions are quick to boil over. If a parent feels that his or her twig cannot handle the task, he or she has the opportunity to press the panic button and put his or her hands on it, but it also comes at a price - all the cooking time will run at double the speed. Presenter Robert Rool.

13:00 Roald's Trips, H3/E8

14:00 Mr. Bean, E7

14:35 Mängufilm (Fred Claus, United States 2007) R: David Dobkin O: Vince Vaughn, Paul Giamatti

17:00 Mängufilm (Inga Lindström: Hanna und das gute Leben, Germany 2022) R: Marco Serafini O: Natalie Thiede, Tom Radisch, Sabine Vitua

19:00 Otse! Reporter+, H2023/E74

19:30 Jeopardy!, H2023/E30. A returning champion and two challengers test their buzzer skills and their knowledge in a wide range of academic and popular categories.

20:05 Mängufilm (Apteeker Melchior. Viirastus, Estonia 2022) R: Elmo Nüganen O: Märten Metsaviir, Alo Kõrve, Mait Malmsten, Carmen Mikiver

22:10 , H2/E9*

23:10 , H1/E9

00:10 Mängufilm Pig (Pig, United Kingdom 2021). A truffle hunter who lives alone in the Oregon wilderness must return to his past in Portland in search of his beloved foraging pig after she is kidnapped. R: Michael Sarnoski O: Nicolas Cage, Alex Wolff

02:10 Mängufilm (A Score to Settle, United States, Canada 2019)* R: Shawn Ku O: Nicolas Cage, Benjamin Bratt, Noah Le Gros

04:15 , H3/E15*

05:10 , H4/E14*

05:40 Postimees.ee, E778