Kanal 2 saatekava 12.08.2024 - 18.08.2024

Kava keel: en et

Esmaspäev 12.08.2024

06:00 Gardener's ABC, H4/E78

06:30 , H2024/E19*

07:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E5. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

08:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E6. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

09:00 , H2/E9

09:30 Mängufilm (Katie Fforde - Vergissmeinnicht, Germany 2015) R: John Delbridge O: Henriette Richter-Röhl, Rudolf Kowalski, Gudrun Landgrebe

11:30 , H2/E9* O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

12:30 *

13:30 Home and Away, H36/E8198*


15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E207

16:00 , H2/E34 O: Afra Saraçoglu, Mert Ramazan Demir, Gülçin Santircioglu

17:00 , H2/E10 O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

18:00 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H4/E11

19:00 Otse! , H2024/E50. Sadagu vihma või siragu päike! Suvereporter toob televaatajani kõige olulisemad uudised ja mahlakamad palad Eestimaa erinevaist paigust, nii maalt kui merelt, festivalidelt ja sündmustelt, aga ka Tartu mnt Meediamaja rõdult ning Fahle troopiliselt tänavagaleriilt. Saadet juhivad Jaanus Koort, Simon Suviste ja Tõnis Sarap. 

20:00 , H1/E26

20:30 , E1

21:30 , H2/E8

22:30 , H1/E8

23:00 NCIS, H2/E9. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

23:55 , H1/E8

00:55 , H3/E16: Misery Loves Company. Meredith helps take care of Aria when she is sick - but could she have ulterior motives?; Spencer surprises Toby for their anniversary. O: Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale

01:45 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H4/E11*

02:35 NCIS, H2/E9*. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

03:20 , H1/E8*

04:15 , H1/E26*

04:50 Postimees.ee, E1017

Teisipäev 13.08.2024

06:00 , H2024/E50*

07:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E7. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

08:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E8. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

09:00 , H1/E26*

09:30 Mängufilm (Katie Fforde - Wie Feuer und Wasser, Germany 2014) R: Helmut Metzger O: Oona-Devi Liebich, Golo Euler, Peter Sattmann

11:30 , H2/E10* O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

12:30 , E1*

13:30 Home and Away, H36/E8199*


15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E208

16:00 , H2/E35 O: Afra Saraçoglu, Mert Ramazan Demir, Gülçin Santircioglu

17:00 , H2/E11 O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

18:00 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H4/E12

19:00 Otse! , H2024/E51. Sadagu vihma või siragu päike! Suvereporter toob televaatajani kõige olulisemad uudised ja mahlakamad palad Eestimaa erinevaist paigust, nii maalt kui merelt, festivalidelt ja sündmustelt, aga ka Tartu mnt Meediamaja rõdult ning Fahle troopiliselt tänavagaleriilt. Saadet juhivad Jaanus Koort, Simon Suviste ja Tõnis Sarap. 

20:00 , H1/E13

20:30 Real Life Stories: Estonian Pilgrimages

21:30 , H1/E9 R: Andres Puustusmaa O: Hele Kõrve, Inga Salurand, Anne Reemann, Märt Avandi, Mait Malmsten, Tiit Sukk jpt

22:35 , H18/E47

23:05 NCIS, H2/E10. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

00:00 , H1/E9

01:05 , H3/E17: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno. Will their secrets drive the girls to take desperate actions that could make things worse? Plus, Emily learns more about what Ali may have been hiding the summer before her murder. O: Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale

02:00 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H4/E12*

02:55 NCIS, H2/E10*. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

03:45 , H1/E9*

04:45 , H18/E47*

05:15 , H1/E13*

05:40 Postimees.ee, E1018

Kolmapäev 14.08.2024

06:00 , H2024/E51*

07:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E9. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

08:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E10. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

09:00 , H1/E13*

09:30 Mängufilm (Katie Fforde - Zum Teufel mit David, Germany 2011) R: John Delbridge O: Rike Schmid, Hendrik Duryn, Mignon Remé

11:30 , H2/E11* O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

12:30 Real Life Stories: Estonian Pilgrimages*

13:30 Home and Away, H36/E8200*


15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E209

16:00 , H2/E36 O: Afra Saraçoglu, Mert Ramazan Demir, Gülçin Santircioglu

17:00 , H2/E12 O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

18:00 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H5/E1

19:02 Otse! , H2024/E52. Sadagu vihma või siragu päike! Suvereporter toob televaatajani kõige olulisemad uudised ja mahlakamad palad Eestimaa erinevaist paigust, nii maalt kui merelt, festivalidelt ja sündmustelt, aga ka Tartu mnt Meediamaja rõdult ning Fahle troopiliselt tänavagaleriilt. Saadet juhivad Jaanus Koort, Simon Suviste ja Tõnis Sarap. 

20:00 , H1/E42

20:30 , H2/E6

21:30 , H2/E9

23:00 NCIS, H2/E11. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

23:55 , H1/E10

00:55 , H3/E18: Dead to Me. Alison's family is set to bury her again, now that they have her remains, but the girls are divided about going to yet another memorial; Emily visits Dr. Sullivan. O: Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale

01:50 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H5/E1*

02:50 NCIS, H2/E11*. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

03:40 , H1/E10*

04:40 , H1/E42*

05:03 Postimees.ee, E1019

Neljapäev 15.08.2024

06:00 , H2024/E52*

07:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E11. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

08:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E12. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

09:00 , H1/E42*

09:30 Mängufilm (Katie Fforde - Zurück ans Meer, Germany, United States 2015) R: John Delbridge O: Oliver Korittke, Heiko Ruprecht, Rudy Ruggiero

11:30 , H2/E12* O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

12:30 , H2/E6*

13:30 Home and Away, H36/E8201*


15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E210

16:00 , H2/E37 O: Afra Saraçoglu, Mert Ramazan Demir, Gülçin Santircioglu

17:00 , H2/E13 O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

18:00 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H5/E2

18:59 Otse! , H2024/E53. Sadagu vihma või siragu päike! Suvereporter toob televaatajani kõige olulisemad uudised ja mahlakamad palad Eestimaa erinevaist paigust, nii maalt kui merelt, festivalidelt ja sündmustelt, aga ka Tartu mnt Meediamaja rõdult ning Fahle troopiliselt tänavagaleriilt. Saadet juhivad Jaanus Koort, Simon Suviste ja Tõnis Sarap. 

20:00 , H1/E41

20:30 Roald's Trips, H4/E7

21:30 , H1/E1 O: James May, Yujiro Taniyama, Paolo Damiano

22:30 , E9

23:30 NCIS, H2/E12. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

00:25 , H2/E1

01:25 , H3/E19: What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted. Spencer takes her anger and hurt over her breakup out on Mona; Aria finds she is spending more time with Wes; Emily and Jason work together. O: Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale

02:20 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H5/E2*

03:10 NCIS, H2/E12*. The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Washington, D.C. Major Case Response Team. O: David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Sean Murray

04:05 , H2/E1*

05:05 , H1/E41*

05:29 Postimees.ee, E1020

Reede 16.08.2024

06:00 , H2024/E53*

07:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E13. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

08:00 Mountain Medic, H12/E14. A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.

09:00 , H1/E41*

09:30 Mängufilm (Immenhof - Das Abenteuer eines Sommers, Germany 2019) R: Sharon von Wietersheim O: Leia Holtwick, Moritz Bäckerling, Heiner Lauterbach

11:30 , H2/E13* O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

12:30 Roald's Trips, H4/E7*

13:30 Home and Away, H36/E8202*


15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E211

16:00 , H2/E38 O: Afra Saraçoglu, Mert Ramazan Demir, Gülçin Santircioglu

17:00 , H2/E14 O: Max Müller, Marisa Burger, Karin Thaler

18:00 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H5/E3

19:06 Otse! , H2024/E54. Sadagu vihma või siragu päike! Suvereporter toob televaatajani kõige olulisemad uudised ja mahlakamad palad Eestimaa erinevaist paigust, nii maalt kui merelt, festivalidelt ja sündmustelt, aga ka Tartu mnt Meediamaja rõdult ning Fahle troopiliselt tänavagaleriilt. Saadet juhivad Jaanus Koort, Simon Suviste ja Tõnis Sarap. 

20:00 , H1/E8

22:10 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E9

23:35 Alo, H2/E7 R: Doris Tääker, Mikk Jürjens O: Tõnis Niinemets, Priit Võigemast, Uku Uusberg, Märt Pius, Priit Pius, Saara Nüganen

00:05 Mängufilm (CHIPs, United States 2017) R: Dax Shepard O: Michael Peña, Dax Shepard, Vincent D'Onofrio

02:05 Mängufilm (Wild Target, France, United Kingdom 2010) R: Jonathan Lynn O: Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Grint

03:55 Investigators of Police Chief Kelk, H5/E3*

05:11 Postimees.ee, E1021

05:42 , H2024/E54*

Laupäev 17.08.2024

06:00 Mängufilm (Rosamunde Pilcher: Vier Luftballons und ein Todesfall, Germany 2021) R: Nina Vukovic O: Meriel Hinsching, Moritz Otto, Bernd-Christian Althoff

08:00 Kidzone lastehommik - , H8/E9

08:30 Kidzone lastehommik - Petronix Defenders, H1/E7

08:45 Kidzone lastehommik - Petronix Defenders, H1/E8

09:00 Kidzone lastehommik - Barbie: It Takes Two, H1/E19. Join Barbie “Malibu” Roberts and Barbie “Brooklyn” Roberts for fun, laughter and exciting new adventures. The series follows Barbie and Barbie as they attend a year of performing arts high school in NYC, set out to record a music demo, and take odd jobs to fund their dreams, all while exploring the Big Apple and traveling back to Malibu often to visit family and friends. Filled with stories about friendship, family, passion and perseverance, the series follows this iconic duo as they work hard and have fun chasing their dreams.

09:30 Gardener's ABC, H4/E79

10:00 , H6/E1


11:30 Merry Estonia, E6

12:00 , H1/E8

12:30 , E1*

13:30 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E9*

15:00 , H1/E7

17:00 Mängufilm (Lilly Schönauer: Liebe auf den zweiten Blick, Germany, Austria 2012) R: Peter Sämann O: Henriette Richter-Röhl, Andreas Kiendl, Erwin Steinhauer

19:03 Otse! , H2024/E20. Sadagu vihma või siragu päike! Suvereporter toob televaatajani kõige olulisemad uudised ja mahlakamad palad erinevaist paigust, nii maalt kui merelt, festivalidelt ja sündmustelt.

19:30 Our Year in India, E10

20:30 My Mom Cooks Better Than Yours, H3/E2. In an engaging TV show, two couples face each other in making family recipes. Mothers instruct and children cook. The jury selects the most delicious dish with a blind test. The best pair wins prize money and can defend their title in the next show. In a show where the whole family is in the limelight, emotions are quick to boil over. If a parent feels that his or her twig cannot handle the task, he or she has the opportunity to press the panic button and put his or her hands on it, but it also comes at a price - all the cooking time will run at double the speed. Presenter Robert Rool.

21:30 Mängufilm Sandhamn Murders. Nora and Alexander take on three new cases involving a kidnapping, suspected human trafficking and a 30-year-old double murder. R: Mattias Ohlsson O: Alexandra Rapaport, Nicolai Cleve Broch, Julius Fleischanderl

23:30 , H1/E9

01:00 Mängufilm Man Up (Man Up, France, United Kingdom 2015). A single woman takes the place of a stranger's blind date, which leads to her finding the perfect boyfriend. R: Ben Palmer O: Lake Bell, Rory Kinnear, Ken Stott

02:45 Mängufilm (The Family Stone, United States 2004) R: Thomas Bezucha O: Claire Danes, Diane Keaton, Sarah Jessica Parker

04:42 Postimees.ee, E1022

05:13 , H2024/E20*

Pühapäev 18.08.2024

06:00 Mängufilm (Lilly Schönauer: Liebe auf den zweiten Blick, Germany, Austria 2012)* R: Peter Sämann O: Henriette Richter-Röhl, Andreas Kiendl, Erwin Steinhauer

08:00 Kidzone lastehommik - , H8/E10

08:30 Kidzone lastehommik - Petronix Defenders, H1/E9

08:45 Kidzone lastehommik - Petronix Defenders, H1/E10

09:00 Kidzone lastehommik - , H23/E3

09:30 , H2/E9

10:30 Our Year in India, E10*

11:30 , H2/E6*

12:30 Mängufilm (Father of the Bride Part II, United States 1995) R: Charles Shyer O: Kimberly Williams, Steve Martin, Diane Keaton

14:30 Alo, H2/E7* R: Doris Tääker, Mikk Jürjens O: Tõnis Niinemets, Priit Võigemast, Uku Uusberg, Märt Pius, Priit Pius, Saara Nüganen

15:00 Roald's Trips, H4/E7*

16:00 , H1/E9* R: Andres Puustusmaa O: Hele Kõrve, Inga Salurand, Anne Reemann, Märt Avandi, Mait Malmsten, Tiit Sukk jpt

17:05 Mängufilm (Utta Danella: Lügen Haben Schöne Beine, Germany 2015) R: Thomas Kronthaler O: Johanna-Christine Gehlen, Tobias Licht, Katja Studt

19:13 Otse! , H2024/E21. Sadagu vihma või siragu päike! Suvereporter toob televaatajani kõige olulisemad uudised ja mahlakamad palad erinevaist paigust, nii maalt kui merelt, festivalidelt ja sündmustelt.

19:30 Jeopardy!, H2023/E6. A returning champion and two challengers test their buzzer skills and their knowledge in a wide range of academic and popular categories.

20:05 , H2/E10

22:00 Mängufilm The Legend of Tarzan (The Legend of Tarzan, United States, United Kingdom, Canada 2016). Tarzan, having acclimated to life in London, is called back to his former home in the jungle to investigate the activities at a mining encampment. R: David Yates O: Alexander Skarsgard, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson

00:05 , H2/E8*

00:55 Mängufilm Atomic Blonde (Atomic Blonde, Sweden, Germany, United States 2017). An undercover MI6 agent is sent to Berlin during the Cold War to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and recover a missing list of double agents. R: David Leitch O: Charlize Theron, James McAvoy, John Goodman

03:10 Mängufilm Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, United States 2011)*. Detective Sherlock Holmes is on the trail of criminal mastermind Professor Moriarty, who is carrying out a string of random crimes across Europe. R: Guy Ritchie O: Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Jared Harris

05:57 Postimees.ee, E1023