Kanal 2 saatekava 08.04.2024 - 14.04.2024

Kava keel: en et

Esmaspäev 08.04.2024

06:15 Tallinn News, H2024/E64*

06:30 Otse! Õhtu!, H1/E69

09:05 Tallinn News, H2024/E64*

09:20 , H5/E5*

09:50 Õhtu!, H1/E69*

12:30 , H2023/E13*

13:30 Home and Away, H35/E8108*

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E184

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E257

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E118

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E258

16:00 , H1/E63

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E259

17:00 , H12/E9

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E260

18:00 Siberian Cop, H2/E8

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2024/E70

20:00 , H2/E116

20:30 Investigator, H17/E12

21:30 Õhtu!, H6/E116

22:30 Squad of Love, H2/E6

23:30 FBI: International, H1/E2

00:25 , H3/E7

01:20 New Amsterdam, H1/E17

02:10 FBI: International, H1/E2*

03:00 , H3/E7*

03:50 Postimees.ee, E891

04:00 House Rules Australia, H7/E25

05:15 Reporter, H2024/E70*

Teisipäev 09.04.2024

06:15 Tallinn News, H2024/E65*

06:30 Otse! Õhtu!, H1/E70

09:05 Tallinn News, H2024/E65*

09:20 , H2/E116*

09:50 Õhtu!, H1/E70*

12:30 Investigator, H17/E12*

13:30 Home and Away, H35/E8109*

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E185

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E261

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E119

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E262

16:00 , H1/E64

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E263

17:00 , H12/E10

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E264

18:00 Siberian Cop, H2/E9

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2024/E71

20:00 , H2/E117

20:30 , H4/E6

21:30 Õhtu!, H6/E117

22:30 Criminal Week, H18/E31

23:00 FBI: International, H1/E3

23:55 , H3/E8

00:50 New Amsterdam, H1/E18

01:40 FBI: International, H1/E3*

02:30 , H3/E8*

03:20 Criminal Week, H18/E31*

03:45 Postimees.ee, E892

04:05 House Rules Australia, H7/E26

05:15 Reporter, H2024/E71*

Kolmapäev 10.04.2024

06:15 Tallinn News, H2024/E66*

06:30 Otse! Õhtu!, H1/E71

09:05 Tallinn News, H2024/E66*

09:20 , H2/E117*

09:50 Õhtu!, H1/E71*

12:30 , H4/E6*

13:30 Home and Away, H35/E8110*

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E186

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E265

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E120

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E266

16:00 , H1/E65

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E267

17:00 , H12/E11

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E268

18:00 Siberian Cop, H2/E10

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2024/E72

20:00 , H2/E118

20:30 , H3/E6

21:30 Õhtu!, H6/E118

22:30 , E8

23:00 FBI: International, H1/E4

23:55 , H4/E1

00:50 New Amsterdam, H1/E19

01:40 FBI: International, H1/E4*

02:30 , H4/E1*

03:20 , E8*

04:00 House Rules Australia, H7/E27

05:15 Reporter, H2024/E72*

Neljapäev 11.04.2024

06:15 Tallinn News, H2024/E67*

09:05 Tallinn News, H2024/E67*

09:20 , H2/E118*

09:50 Õhtu!, H1/E72*

12:30 , H3/E6*

13:30 Home and Away, H35/E8111*

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E187

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E269

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E121

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E270

16:00 , H1/E66

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E271

17:00 , H12/E12

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E272

18:00 Siberian Cop, H2/E11

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2024/E73

20:00 , H2/E119

20:30 , H1/E10

21:30 Õhtu!, H6/E119

22:30 , H1/E2

23:05 FBI: International, H1/E5

00:00 , H4/E2

00:55 New Amsterdam, H1/E20

01:45 FBI: International, H1/E5*

02:35 , H4/E2*

03:25 , H1/E2*

04:10 House Rules Australia, H7/E28

05:15 Reporter, H2024/E73*

Reede 12.04.2024

06:15 Tallinn News, H2024/E68*

06:30 Otse! Õhtu!, H1/E73

09:05 Tallinn News, H2024/E68*

09:20 , H2/E119*

09:50 Õhtu!, H1/E73*

12:30 , H1/E10*

13:30 Home and Away, H35/E8112*

14:00 Miracle Doctor, H2/E188

14:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E273

15:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H8/E122

15:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E274

16:00 , H1/E67

16:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E275

17:00 , H12/E13

17:55 Otse! Postimees News, H2024/E276

18:00 Siberian Cop, H2/E12

19:00 Otse! Reporter, H2024/E74

20:00 , H5/E6

20:30 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E28

22:00 Mängufilm

00:25 Mängufilm

02:15 , H5/E6*

02:40 Postimees.ee, E895

03:05 House Rules Australia, H7/E29

04:30 Reporter, H2024/E74*

05:30 Mountain Medic, H5/E5

Laupäev 13.04.2024

06:30 Mountain Medic, H5/E6

07:30 Kidzone lastehommik - Seven and Me, H1/E23

08:00 Kidzone lastehommik - , H6/E26

08:30 Kidzone lastehommik - Bluey, H1/E1

08:40 Kidzone lastehommik - Bluey, H1/E2

08:50 Kidzone lastehommik - Bluey, H1/E3

09:00 Kidzone lastehommik - Barbie: It Takes Two, H1/E1

09:30 , H2/E10

10:00 Trace, H1/E6

10:30 Season, H19/E14

11:00 , H6/E7

11:30 , H25/E14

12:00 , H4/E6*

13:00 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E28*

14:30 , H2/E4*

17:00 Mängufilm

19:00 Otse! , H2024/E28

19:30 Our year in India. Enlightenment, E7

20:30 , H2/E7

21:30 , H8/E4

23:35 Mängufilm The King's Speech

01:55 Mängufilm

04:00 , H2/E119*

04:30 Postimees.ee, E896

05:00 , H2024/E28*

05:30 Mountain Medic, H5/E7

Pühapäev 14.04.2024

06:30 Mountain Medic, H5/E8

07:30 Kidzone lastehommik - Seven and Me, H1/E24

08:00 Kidzone lastehommik - , H7/E1

08:30 Kidzone lastehommik - Bluey, H1/E4

08:40 Kidzone lastehommik - Bluey, H1/E5

08:50 Kidzone lastehommik - Bluey, H1/E6

09:00 Kidzone lastehommik - Barbie: A Touch of Magic, H1/E23

09:30 , H2/E7*

10:30 Our year in India. Enlightenment, E7*

11:30 , H3/E6*

12:30 Mängufilm

15:00 , H1/E10*

16:00 , H2023/E14

17:00 Mängufilm

19:00 Otse! Reporter+, H2024/E29

19:30 Jeopardy!, H2024/E7

20:05 , H2/E5

22:25 , H2/E13

23:20 Mängufilm

01:30 Mängufilm Pound of Flesh*

03:25 , H2/E7*

04:15 Our year in India. Enlightenment, E7*

05:05 Postimees.ee, E897

05:45 Reporter+, H2024/E29*