Duo 5 saatekava 15.04.2024 - 21.04.2024

Kava keel: en et

Esmaspäev 15.04.2024

06:40 Disappeared, H9/E1*

07:20 Flame Catchers: Summer Games, E5

07:55 , H2024/E29*

08:25 , H18/E31*

08:50 The Last Cop, H2/E6*

09:50 Two and a Half Men, H9/E16*

10:15 Two and a Half Men, H9/E17*

10:40 SEAL Team, H1/E3

11:30 SEAL Team, H1/E4

12:25 Bulletproof, H2/E8

13:20 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E4

14:10 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E5

15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E6

15:55 Cops, H35/E24

16:25 Cops, H35/E25

16:50 Disappeared, H9/E2

17:45 Two and a Half Men, H9/E18

18:15 Two and a Half Men, H9/E19

18:45 , H2024/E70

19:00 The Last Cop, H2/E7

20:00 Mängufilm Misanthrope

22:30 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E1

23:35 Justified, H5/E9

00:40 Justified, H5/E10

01:35 SEAL Team, H1/E3*

02:15 SEAL Team, H1/E4*

03:00 , H2024/E75*

03:45 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E1*

04:40 Postimees.ee, E734

Teisipäev 16.04.2024

06:35 Disappeared, H9/E2*

07:15 Unforgettable Olympic Moments, E1

07:45 , H2024/E75*

08:40 The Last Cop, H2/E7*

09:30 Two and a Half Men, H9/E18*

10:00 Two and a Half Men, H9/E19*

10:25 SEAL Team, H1/E5

11:20 SEAL Team, H1/E6

12:15 , H4/E1

12:45 , H4/E2

13:15 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E7

14:10 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E8

15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E9

16:00 Cops, H35/E26

16:25 Cops, H35/E27

16:55 Disappeared, H9/E3

17:50 Two and a Half Men, H9/E20

18:15 Two and a Half Men, H9/E21

18:45 , H2024/E71

19:00 The Last Cop, H2/E8

20:00 Mängufilm Corrective Measures

22:10 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E2

23:15 Justified, H5/E11

00:10 Justified, H5/E12

01:10 SEAL Team, H1/E5*

01:50 SEAL Team, H1/E6*

02:35 , H2024/E76*

03:20 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E2*

04:10 Postimees.ee, E735

Kolmapäev 17.04.2024

06:40 Disappeared, H9/E3*

07:20 Unforgettable Olympic Moments, E2

07:55 , H2024/E76*

08:50 The Last Cop, H2/E8*

09:40 Two and a Half Men, H9/E20*

10:05 Two and a Half Men, H9/E21*

10:35 SEAL Team, H1/E7

11:30 SEAL Team, H1/E8

12:20 , H4/E3

12:50 , H4/E4

13:20 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E10

14:15 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E11

15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E12

16:00 Cops, H35/E28

16:25 Cops, H35/E29

16:55 Disappeared, H9/E4

17:50 Two and a Half Men, H9/E22

18:20 Two and a Half Men, H9/E23

18:45 , H2024/E72

19:00 The Last Cop, H2/E9

20:00 Mängufilm Horrible Bosses

21:55 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E3

23:05 Justified, H5/E13

00:05 Justified, H6/E1

01:10 SEAL Team, H1/E7*

01:55 SEAL Team, H1/E8*

02:40 , H2024/E77*

03:25 Mängufilm Horrible Bosses*

04:55 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E3*

05:45 Postimees.ee, E736

Neljapäev 18.04.2024

06:40 Disappeared, H9/E4*

07:20 Unforgettable Olympic Moments, E3

07:55 , H2024/E77*

08:50 The Last Cop, H2/E9*

09:40 Two and a Half Men, H9/E22*

10:10 Two and a Half Men, H9/E23*

10:35 SEAL Team, H1/E9

11:25 SEAL Team, H1/E10

12:20 , H4/E5

12:50 , H4/E6

13:20 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E13

14:15 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E14

15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E15

16:00 Cops, H35/E30

16:30 Cops, H35/E31

16:55 Disappeared, H9/E5

17:50 Two and a Half Men, H9/E24

18:30 Two and a Half Men, H10/E1

18:45 , H2024/E73

19:00 The Last Cop, H2/E10

20:00 Mängufilm Father Figures

22:10 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E4

23:10 Justified, H6/E2

00:10 Justified, H6/E3

01:05 SEAL Team, H1/E9*

01:55 SEAL Team, H1/E10*

02:35 , H2024/E78*

03:20 Mängufilm Father Figures*

05:05 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E4*

05:50 Postimees.ee, E737

Reede 19.04.2024

06:25 Disappeared, H9/E5*

07:05 Unforgettable Olympic Moments, E4

07:35 , H2024/E78*

08:30 The Last Cop, H2/E10*

09:25 Two and a Half Men, H9/E24*

09:55 Two and a Half Men, H10/E1*

10:20 SEAL Team, H1/E11

11:15 SEAL Team, H1/E12

12:15 , H4/E7

12:45 , H4/E8

13:15 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E16

14:10 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E17

15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H5/E18

16:00 Cops, H35/E32

16:25 Cops, H35/E33

16:55 Disappeared, H9/E6

17:50 Two and a Half Men, H10/E2

18:15 Two and a Half Men, H10/E3

18:45 , H2024/E74

19:00 The Last Cop, H2/E11

20:00 Mängufilm Godzilla vs. Kong

22:10 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E5

23:15 Justified, H6/E4

00:10 Justified, H6/E5

01:10 SEAL Team, H1/E11*

02:00 SEAL Team, H1/E12*

02:40 , H2024/E79*

03:25 Spartacus: Blood and Sand, H1/E5*

04:20 Postimees.ee, E738

Laupäev 20.04.2024

06:15 Cops, H35/E24*

06:35 Cops, H35/E25*

06:55 Cops, H35/E26*

07:20 Cops, H35/E27*

07:45 Cops, H35/E28*

08:15 Cops, H35/E29*

08:35 , E8

09:35 , H2024/E79*

10:30 , E5

10:55 Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge, H2/E7

11:50 , H1/E12

12:45 , E3

13:15 The Last Cop, H2/E7*

14:05 The Last Cop, H2/E8*

15:05 Disappeared, H9/E2*

16:00 Disappeared, H9/E3*

16:55 Disappeared, H9/E4*

17:45 Two and a Half Men, H9/E18*

18:10 Two and a Half Men, H9/E19*

18:40 Two and a Half Men, H9/E20*

19:05 Two and a Half Men, H9/E21*

19:35 Two and a Half Men, H9/E22*

20:00 Mängufilm Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

21:50 Agent Hamilton, H2/E1

22:55 Mängufilm Mary

00:45 , H2024/E30*

01:10 , H1/E12*

01:50 Mängufilm Journey 2: The Mysterious Island*

03:15 Mängufilm Mary*

04:40 Postimees.ee, E739

Pühapäev 21.04.2024

06:20 Cops, H35/E30*

06:40 Cops, H35/E31*

07:05 Cops, H35/E32*

07:30 Cops, H35/E33*

07:55 , H2/E5

08:25 , H25/E15*

08:55 , H18/E32*

09:25 , H2024/E30*

09:55 Jeopardy!, H2024/E7*

10:30 Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge, H2/E8

11:25 , E1

12:25 , E4

12:55 The Last Cop, H2/E9*

13:50 The Last Cop, H2/E10*

14:50 The Last Cop, H2/E11*

15:45 Disappeared, H9/E5*

16:40 Disappeared, H9/E6*

17:35 Two and a Half Men, H9/E23*

18:00 Two and a Half Men, H9/E24*

18:30 The Grand Tour, H1/E1

20:00 Mängufilm Security

21:50 Agent Hamilton, H2/E2

22:50 Mängufilm The Corrupted

00:50 , H2024/E31*

01:15 , E1*

02:00 Mängufilm Security*

03:25 Postimees.ee, E740