Duo 5 TV guide 04.12.2023 - 10.12.2023

Schedule language: en et

Monday 04.12.2023

06:25 The Sons of Kalev, E8*

07:30 Reporter+, S2023/E70*

08:00 Criminal Week, S18/E13*

08:30 , E2*

09:30 Two and a Half Men, S12/E14*

09:55 Two and a Half Men, S12/E15*

10:20 , S1/E1

11:15 , S1/E2

12:10 , S6/E22*

13:10 The Sons of Kalev, E9

14:10 , S5/E7

15:10 , S5/E8

16:15 , S6/E23

17:10 , S2/E7

18:05 Two and a Half Men, S12/E16

18:35 Two and a Half Men, S9/E1

19:00 , E3

20:00 Movie

21:50 , S2/E3

22:55 Justified, S3/E8

23:50 , S32/E10

00:20 , S32/E11

00:45 Reporter, S2023/E175*

01:30 Movie *

02:55 , S2/E3*

03:45 Justified, S3/E8*

04:25 Postimees.ee, E601

Tuesday 05.12.2023

06:30 The Sons of Kalev, E9*

07:30 Reporter, S2023/E175*

08:30 , E3*

09:30 Two and a Half Men, S12/E16*

09:55 Two and a Half Men, S9/E1*

10:25 , S1/E3

11:20 , S1/E4

12:10 , S6/E23*

13:10 The Sons of Kalev, E10

14:10 , S5/E9

15:15 , S5/E10

16:15 , S6/E24

17:10 , S2/E8

18:10 Two and a Half Men, S9/E2

18:35 Two and a Half Men, S9/E3

19:00 , E4

20:00 Movie

21:55 , S2/E4

23:05 Justified, S3/E9

00:00 , S32/E12

00:30 , S32/E13

00:55 Reporter, S2023/E176*

01:40 Movie *

03:05 , S2/E4*

04:05 Justified, S3/E9*

04:45 Postimees.ee, E602

Wednesday 06.12.2023

06:40 The Sons of Kalev, E10*

07:40 Reporter, S2023/E176*

08:40 , E4*

09:35 Two and a Half Men, S9/E2*

10:00 Two and a Half Men, S9/E3*

10:30 , S1/E5

11:25 , S1/E6

12:20 , S6/E24*

13:20 The Sons of Kalev, E11

14:15 , S5/E11

15:15 , S5/E12

16:15 , S6/E25

17:15 , S2/E9

18:05 Two and a Half Men, S9/E4

18:35 Two and a Half Men, S9/E5

19:00 , E5

20:00 Movie The Town

22:30 , S4/E18

23:25 Justified, S3/E10

00:20 , S32/E14

00:50 , S32/E15

01:20 Reporter, S2023/E177*

02:05 Movie The Town*

04:00 Justified, S3/E10*

04:40 Postimees.ee, E603

Thursday 07.12.2023

06:45 The Sons of Kalev, E11*

07:40 Reporter, S2023/E177*

08:40 , E5*

09:35 Two and a Half Men, S9/E4*

10:00 Two and a Half Men, S9/E5*

10:30 , S1/E7

11:25 , S1/E8

12:20 , S6/E25*

13:10 The Sons of Kalev, E12

14:10 , S5/E13

15:10 , S5/E14

16:15 , S7/E1

17:15 , S2/E10

18:10 Two and a Half Men, S9/E6

18:35 Two and a Half Men, S9/E7

19:00 , E6

20:00 Movie

22:05 , S2/E5

23:10 Justified, S3/E11

00:05 , S32/E16

00:30 , S32/E17

01:00 Reporter, S2023/E178*

01:45 Movie *

03:25 , S2/E5*

04:15 Justified, S3/E11*

04:55 Postimees.ee, E604

Friday 08.12.2023

06:35 The Sons of Kalev, E12*

07:30 Reporter, S2023/E178*

08:30 , E6*

09:25 Two and a Half Men, S9/E6*

09:50 Two and a Half Men, S9/E7*

10:20 , S1/E9

11:15 , S1/E10

12:10 , S7/E1*

13:10 Dormitory Rats, S1/E1

14:10 , S5/E15

15:10 , S5/E16

16:15 , S7/E2

17:10 , S2/E11

18:05 Two and a Half Men, S9/E8

18:35 Two and a Half Men, S9/E9

19:00 , E7

20:00 Movie

22:20 , S2/E6

23:25 Justified, S3/E12

00:20 , S32/E18

00:45 , S32/E19

01:15 Reporter, S2023/E179*

02:00 Movie *

03:45 , S2/E6*

04:35 Justified, S3/E12*

05:15 Postimees.ee, E605

Saturday 09.12.2023

06:20 , E5

06:50 , E6

07:25 , S3/E3*

08:20 , S4/E18*

09:15 Reporter, S2023/E179*

10:15 , S3/E14*

11:15 , S3/E4

12:10 , S6/E4

13:05 , S32/E10*

13:30 , S32/E11*

14:00 , S32/E12*

14:25 , S32/E13*

14:55 , S32/E14*

15:20 , S32/E15*

15:50 , E3*

16:50 , E4*

17:45 Two and a Half Men, S12/E16*

18:10 Two and a Half Men, S9/E1*

18:35 Two and a Half Men, S9/E2*

19:05 Two and a Half Men, S9/E3*

19:30 Two and a Half Men, S9/E4*

20:00 Movie

22:00 El Presidente, S1/E6

23:15 Movie

01:05 Reporter+, S2023/E71*

01:30 , S6/E4*

02:10 Movie *

03:45 Trace, S2/E6

04:10 Postimees.ee, E606

Sunday 10.12.2023

06:15 , E7

06:45 , E8

07:15 , S3/E4*

08:15 , S3/E14*

09:10 Steering Power, S25/E15*

09:40 Criminal Week, S18/E14*

10:10 Reporter+, S2023/E71*

10:40 Jeopardy!, S2023/E28*

11:15 , S1/E1

12:15 , S6/E5

13:10 , S32/E16*

13:40 , S32/E17*

14:05 , S32/E18*

14:35 , S32/E19*

15:00 , E5*

16:00 , E6*

16:55 , E7*

17:50 Two and a Half Men, S9/E5*

18:15 Two and a Half Men, S9/E6*

18:40 Two and a Half Men, S9/E7*

19:05 Two and a Half Men, S9/E8*

19:30 Two and a Half Men, S9/E9*

20:00 Movie The Prince

21:55 El Presidente, S1/E7

23:00 Movie

01:05 Reporter+, S2023/E72*

01:30 , S6/E5*

02:10 Movie The Prince*

03:35 Trace, S2/E7

04:00 Movie

05:35 Postimees.ee, E607