Duo 5 saatekava 27.05.2024 - 02.06.2024

Kava keel: en et

Esmaspäev 27.05.2024

07:00 Cops, H33/E13*
07:20 Cops, H33/E14*
07:40 Foul Play, E3
08:10 , H2024/E41*
08:40 , H18/E37*
09:10 The Last Cop, H4/E10*
10:00 Two and a Half Men, H12/E7*
10:25 Two and a Half Men, H12/E8*
10:50 SEAL Team, H3/E19
11:40 SEAL Team, H3/E20
12:30 , H2/E6
13:25 Walker, Texas Ranger, H8/E19
14:15 Walker, Texas Ranger, H8/E20
15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H8/E21
16:00 Cops, H33/E15
16:25 Cops, H33/E16
16:50 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E1
17:50 Two and a Half Men, H12/E9
18:15 Two and a Half Men, H12/E10
18:45 , H2024/E99
19:00 The Last Cop, H4/E11
20:00 Mängufilm Pig
21:50 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E2
22:55 Justified, H4/E4
23:50 Justified, H4/E5
00:45 SEAL Team, H3/E19*
01:35 SEAL Team, H3/E20*
02:15 , H2024/E105*
03:00 Mängufilm Pig*
04:25 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E2*
05:15 Postimees.ee, E776

Teisipäev 28.05.2024

07:00 Cops, H33/E15*
07:20 Cops, H33/E16*
07:40 Foul Play, E4
08:05 , H2024/E105*
09:00 The Last Cop, H4/E11*
09:55 Two and a Half Men, H12/E9*
10:20 Two and a Half Men, H12/E10*
10:45 SEAL Team, H4/E1
11:35 SEAL Team, H4/E2
12:25 , H2/E7
13:20 Walker, Texas Ranger, H8/E22
14:15 Walker, Texas Ranger, H8/E23
15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H8/E24
16:00 Cops, H33/E17
16:25 Cops, H33/E18
16:50 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E2
17:50 Two and a Half Men, H12/E11
18:15 Two and a Half Men, H12/E12
18:45 , H2024/E100
19:00 The Last Cop, H4/E12
20:00 Mängufilm The Shepherd: Border Patrol
21:55 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E3
23:05 Justified, H4/E6
00:00 Justified, H4/E7
00:55 SEAL Team, H4/E1*
01:40 SEAL Team, H4/E2*
02:25 , H2024/E106*
03:10 Mängufilm The Shepherd: Border Patrol*
04:35 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E3*
05:35 Postimees.ee, E777

Kolmapäev 29.05.2024

06:55 Cops, H33/E17*
07:15 Cops, H33/E18*
07:35 On the Record, E1
08:10 , H2024/E106*
09:05 The Last Cop, H4/E12*
09:55 Two and a Half Men, H12/E11*
10:20 Two and a Half Men, H12/E12*
10:50 SEAL Team, H4/E3
11:45 SEAL Team, H4/E4
12:30 , H2/E8
13:25 Walker, Texas Ranger, H8/E25
14:15 Walker, Texas Ranger, H9/E1
15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H9/E2
16:00 Cops, H33/E19
16:25 Cops, H33/E20
16:50 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E3
17:50 Two and a Half Men, H12/E13
18:15 Two and a Half Men, H12/E14
18:45 , H2024/E101
19:00 The Last Cop, H4/E13
20:00 Mängufilm Blade Runner 2049
23:15 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E4
00:25 Justified, H4/E8
01:25 Justified, H4/E9
02:05 SEAL Team, H4/E3*
02:45 SEAL Team, H4/E4*
03:25 , H2024/E107*
04:10 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E4*
05:05 Postimees.ee, E778

Neljapäev 30.05.2024

06:50 Cops, H33/E19*
07:10 Cops, H33/E20*
07:30 On the Record, E2
08:05 , H2024/E107*
09:00 The Last Cop, H4/E13*
09:55 Two and a Half Men, H12/E13*
10:20 Two and a Half Men, H12/E14*
10:45 SEAL Team, H4/E5
11:35 SEAL Team, H4/E6
12:25 , E1
13:20 Walker, Texas Ranger, H9/E3
14:10 Walker, Texas Ranger, H9/E4
15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H9/E5
16:00 Cops, H33/E21
16:25 Cops, H33/E22
16:50 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E4
17:50 Two and a Half Men, H12/E15
18:15 Two and a Half Men, H12/E16
18:45 , H2024/E102
19:00 The Last Cop, H5/E1
20:00 Mängufilm Wonder Woman 1984
23:00 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E5
00:10 Justified, H4/E10
01:00 Justified, H4/E11
01:55 SEAL Team, H4/E5*
02:35 SEAL Team, H4/E6*
03:20 , H2024/E108*
04:05 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E5*
04:55 Postimees.ee, E779

Reede 31.05.2024

06:07 Cops, H33/E21*
06:25 Cops, H33/E22*
06:50 , E1*
07:35 On the Record, E3
08:05 , H2024/E108*
09:00 The Last Cop, H5/E1*
09:55 Two and a Half Men, H12/E15*
10:20 Two and a Half Men, H12/E16*
10:45 SEAL Team, H4/E7
11:35 SEAL Team, H4/E8
12:25 , E2
13:20 Walker, Texas Ranger, H9/E6
14:10 Walker, Texas Ranger, H9/E7
15:05 Walker, Texas Ranger, H9/E8
16:00 Cops, H33/E23
16:25 Cops, H33/E24
16:50 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E5
17:50 Two and a Half Men, H9/E1
18:15 Two and a Half Men, H9/E2
18:45 , H2024/E103
19:00 The Last Cop, H5/E2
20:00 Mängufilm Rampage
22:05 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E6
23:10 Justified, H4/E12
00:05 Justified, H4/E13
01:00 SEAL Team, H4/E7*
01:50 SEAL Team, H4/E8*
02:30 , H2024/E109*
03:15 Mängufilm Rampage*
04:50 Spartacus: War of the Damned, H3/E6*
05:45 Postimees.ee, E780

Laupäev 01.06.2024

06:15 Sport UCI BMX Freestyle World Cup highlights, H2024/E2
07:00 Cops, H33/E15*
07:25 Cops, H33/E16*
07:50 Cops, H33/E17*
08:15 Cops, H33/E18*
08:40 , H2024/E109*
09:35 The Grand Tour, H1/E6*
10:50 Robson & Jim's Fly Fishing Adventure, H2/E4
11:50 , E12
12:45 , E3
13:15 The Last Cop, H4/E11*
14:05 The Last Cop, H4/E12*
15:00 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E1*
15:50 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E2*
16:45 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E3*
17:40 Two and a Half Men, H12/E9*
18:05 Two and a Half Men, H12/E10*
18:35 Two and a Half Men, H12/E11*
19:05 Two and a Half Men, H12/E12*
19:30 Two and a Half Men, H12/E13*
20:00 Mängufilm Surrogates
21:45 El Presidente, H1/E5
22:55 Mängufilm The Curse of La Llorona
00:50 , H2024/E42*
01:15 , E12*
01:55 Mängufilm Surrogates*
03:20 Mängufilm The Curse of La Llorona*
04:45 Postimees.ee, E781

Pühapäev 02.06.2024

06:05 Words of Olympians
06:55 Cops, H33/E19*
07:20 Cops, H33/E20*
07:50 Cops, H33/E21*
08:15 Cops, H33/E22*
08:40 , H25/E21*
09:10 , H18/E38*
09:35 , H2024/E42*
10:05 Jeopardy!, H2024/E13*
10:40 Robson Green's Grand Slam Fishing, H1/E1
11:35 , E13
12:30 , E4
13:00 The Last Cop, H4/E13*
13:55 The Last Cop, H5/E1*
14:50 The Last Cop, H5/E2*
15:45 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E4*
16:40 Nightmare Next Door, H6/E5*
17:35 Two and a Half Men, H12/E14*
18:05 Two and a Half Men, H12/E15*
18:30 The Grand Tour, H1/E7
19:30 Mängufilm Moonfall
22:00 El Presidente, H1/E6
23:15 Mängufilm The Code
01:15 , H2024/E43*
01:40 , E13*
02:25 Mängufilm Moonfall*
04:20 Postimees.ee, E782