Duo 4 saatekava 22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024

Kava keel: en et

Esmaspäev 22.04.2024

06:20 House Rules Australia, H6/E37

07:20 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E73

08:10 Forbidden Apple, H5/E355

09:00 Home and Away, H36/E8118*

09:30 , E10*

10:25 Under the Clouds, H19/E2

11:20 , H3/E10

12:10 , E1

14:00 , H1/E79*

16:30 Secrets, H1/E9

17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E123*

18:00 First Dates Hotel, H2/E1

19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8119

19:30 , E11

20:30 , H1/E9

21:25 , H1/E8

22:20 Friends, H4/E4

22:50 Friends, H4/E5

23:20 Naked Attraction, H7/E6

00:20 , H4/E13

01:05 Love Island, H2/E7

02:00 , E1*

03:35 Postimees.ee, E1959

Teisipäev 23.04.2024

06:20 House Rules Australia, H6/E38

07:20 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E74

08:10 Forbidden Apple, H5/E356

09:00 Home and Away, H36/E8119*

09:30 , E11*

10:25 Under the Clouds, H19/E3

11:20 , H3/E11

12:10 , E2

14:00 , H1/E80*

16:30 Secrets, H1/E10

17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E124*

18:00 First Dates Hotel, H2/E2

19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8120

19:30 , E12

20:30 , H1/E10

21:25 , H2/E1

22:20 Friends, H4/E6

22:50 Friends, H4/E7

23:20 Naked Attraction, H7/E7

00:20 , H4/E14

01:10 Love Island, H2/E8

02:05 , E2*

03:35 Postimees.ee, E1960

Kolmapäev 24.04.2024

06:15 House Rules Australia, H6/E39

07:20 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E75

08:10 Forbidden Apple, H5/E357

09:00 Home and Away, H36/E8120*

09:30 , E12*

10:25 Under the Clouds, H19/E4

11:20 , H3/E12

12:10 , E3

14:00 , H1/E81*

16:35 Secrets, H1/E11

17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E125*

18:00 First Dates Hotel, H2/E3

19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8121

19:30 , E13

20:30 Bachelor, H7/E1

22:10 , H2/E2

23:05 Friends, H4/E8

23:35 Friends, H4/E9

00:05 Naked Attraction, H7/E8

01:00 , H5/E1

02:00 Love Island, H2/E9

03:00 , E3*

04:30 Postimees.ee, E1961

Neljapäev 25.04.2024

06:10 House Rules Australia, H6/E40

07:10 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E76

08:05 Forbidden Apple, H5/E358

09:00 Home and Away, H36/E8121*

09:30 , E13*

10:25 Under the Clouds, H19/E5

11:20 , H3/E13

12:05 , E4

14:00 , H1/E82*

16:35 Secrets, H1/E12

17:05 Õhtu!, H6/E126*

18:00 First Dates Hotel, H2/E4

19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8122

19:30 , E14

20:30 Bachelor, H7/E2

21:35 , H2/E3

22:30 Friends, H4/E10

23:00 Friends, H4/E11

23:30 Naked Attraction's Natghtiest Bits, E4

00:30 , H5/E2

01:35 Love Island, H2/E10

02:30 , E4*

04:00 Postimees.ee, E1962

Reede 26.04.2024

06:15 House Rules Australia, H6/E41

07:20 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E77

08:15 Forbidden Apple, H5/E359

09:05 Home and Away, H36/E8122*

09:35 , E14*

10:30 Under the Clouds, H19/E6

11:30 , H3/E14

12:20 , E5

14:05 , H1/E83*

16:40 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E22

18:00 First Dates Hotel, H2/E5

19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8123

19:30 , E15

20:30 Mängufilm

22:20 Friends, H4/E12

22:50 Friends, H4/E13

23:20 Naked Attraction, H7/E10

00:20 , H5/E3

01:30 Love Island, H2/E11

02:35 , E5*

04:05 Postimees.ee, E1963

Laupäev 27.04.2024

06:00 Mängufilm Lemonade Stand Romance*

07:40 , E2*

08:40 Home and Away, H36/E8119*

09:05 Home and Away, H36/E8120*

09:35 Home and Away, H36/E8121*

10:05 Home and Away, H36/E8122*

10:30 Home and Away, H36/E8123*

11:00 , H2/E6

11:55 , H10/E4

12:50 The Bachelorette, H19/E4

14:30 Mängufilm

16:10 Mängufilm *

18:00 , E3

19:00 , H13/E7

20:35 Mängufilm Accidentally Engaged

22:20 Friends, H4/E14

22:50 Friends, H4/E15

23:20 Naked Attraction, H7/E6*

00:20 Naked Attraction, H7/E7*

01:20 Naked Attraction, H7/E8*

02:10 Love Island, H2/E12

03:10 Dokumentaalfilm

04:30 Postimees.ee, E1964

Pühapäev 28.04.2024

06:50 Mängufilm *

08:25 , E3*

09:25 Gardener's ABC, H4/E63*

09:55 Season, H19/E16*

10:25 Trace, H1/E8*

10:55 , H2/E7

11:50 , H10/E5

12:45 The Bachelorette, H19/E5

14:25 Mängufilm

16:10 Mängufilm Accidentally Engaged*

17:50 Eat Well for Less?, H7/E1

19:00 , H13/E8

20:35 Mängufilm

23:20 Naked Attraction's Natghtiest Bits, E4*

00:20 Naked Attraction, H7/E10*

01:20 Love Island, H2/E13

02:10 Mängufilm *

04:25 Postimees.ee, E1965