Duo 4 saatekava 08.04.2024 - 14.04.2024

Kava keel: en et

Esmaspäev 08.04.2024

07:05 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E63

07:55 Forbidden Apple, H5/E345

08:50 Home and Away, H35/E8108*

09:20 House Rules Australia, H6/E27

10:25 Under the Clouds, H18/E4

11:20 Gossip Girl, H2/E25

12:15 , H1/E1

14:00 , H1/E69*

16:35 Secrets, H1/E1

17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E115*

18:00 First Dates, H9/E29

19:00 Home and Away, H35/E8109

19:30 , E1

20:30 , H1/E1

22:10 , H2/E10

23:25 Friends, H3/E5

23:55 Friends, H3/E6

00:25 Naked Attraction, H1/E2

01:20 , H4/E3

02:30 Love Island, H6/E29

03:25 , H1/E1*

04:55 Postimees.ee, E1945

Teisipäev 09.04.2024

06:20 House Rules Australia, H6/E28

07:20 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E64

08:10 Forbidden Apple, H5/E346

09:05 Home and Away, H35/E8109*

09:30 , E1*

10:30 Under the Clouds, H18/E5

11:20 , H3/E1

12:10 , H1/E2

14:00 , H1/E70*

16:30 Secrets, H1/E2

17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E116*

18:00 First Dates, H9/E30

19:00 Home and Away, H35/E8110

19:30 , E2

20:30 , H1/E2

21:25 , H1/E1

22:20 Friends, H3/E7

22:50 Friends, H3/E8

23:20 Naked Attraction, H1/E3

00:20 , H4/E4

01:30 Love Island, H6/E30

02:35 , H1/E2*

04:05 Postimees.ee, E1946

Kolmapäev 10.04.2024

06:00 House Rules Australia, H6/E29

07:15 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E65

08:05 Forbidden Apple, H5/E347

09:00 Home and Away, H35/E8110*

09:30 , E2*

10:25 Under the Clouds, H18/E6

11:20 , H3/E2

12:10 , H1/E3

14:00 , H1/E71*

16:35 Secrets, H1/E3

17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E117*

18:00 First Dates, H9/E31

19:00 Home and Away, H35/E8111

19:30 , E3

20:30 , H1/E3

21:25 , H1/E2

22:20 Friends, H3/E9

22:50 Friends, H3/E10

23:20 Naked Attraction, H1/E4

00:20 , H4/E5

01:30 Love Island, H6/E31

02:20 , H1/E3*

03:50 Postimees.ee, E1947

Neljapäev 11.04.2024

06:15 House Rules Australia, H6/E30

07:25 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E66

08:10 Forbidden Apple, H5/E348

09:05 Home and Away, H35/E8111*

09:30 , E3*

10:25 Under the Clouds, H18/E7

11:20 , H3/E3

12:05 , H1/E4

14:00 , H1/E72*

16:35 Secrets, H1/E4

17:05 Õhtu!, H6/E118*

18:00 First Dates, H9/E32

19:00 Home and Away, H35/E8112

19:30 , E4

20:30 , H1/E4

21:25 , H1/E3

22:20 Friends, H3/E11

22:50 Friends, H3/E12

23:20 Naked Attraction, H1/E5

00:20 , H4/E6

01:30 Love Island, H6/E32

02:25 , H1/E4*

03:55 Postimees.ee, E1948

Reede 12.04.2024

06:20 House Rules Australia, H6/E31

07:20 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E67

08:10 Forbidden Apple, H5/E349

09:00 Home and Away, H35/E8112*

09:25 , E4*

10:20 Under the Clouds, H18/E8

11:15 , H3/E4

12:10 , H1/E5

14:00 , H1/E73*

16:35 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E20

18:00 First Dates Hotel, H1/E1

19:00 Home and Away, H35/E8113

19:30 , E5

20:30 Mängufilm

22:10 Friends, H3/E13

22:40 Friends, H3/E14

23:10 Naked Attraction, H1/E6

00:10 , H4/E7

01:20 Love Island, H6/E33

02:15 , H1/E5*

03:45 Postimees.ee, E1949

Laupäev 13.04.2024

06:55 Mängufilm *

08:35 10 Years Younger in 10 Days, H2/E17*

09:30 Home and Away, H35/E8109*

10:00 Home and Away, H35/E8110*

10:30 Home and Away, H35/E8111*

11:00 Home and Away, H35/E8112*

11:30 Home and Away, H35/E8113*

12:00 , H2/E2

12:55 , H9/E13

13:50 The Bachelorette, H18/E11

14:40 Mängufilm

16:20 Mängufilm *

18:00 10 Years Younger in 10 Days, H2/E18

19:00 , H13/E3

20:35 Mängufilm

22:20 Friends, H3/E15

22:50 Friends, H3/E16

23:20 Naked Attraction, H1/E2*

00:20 Naked Attraction, H1/E3*

01:20 Naked Attraction, H1/E4*

02:15 Love Island, H6/E34

03:15 Dokumentaalfilm

04:30 Postimees.ee, E1950

Pühapäev 14.04.2024

07:30 Mängufilm *

09:10 10 Years Younger in 10 Days, H2/E18*

10:05 Season, H19/E14*

10:40 Trace, H1/E6*

11:05 , H2/E3

12:00 , H10/E1

12:55 The Bachelorette, H19/E1

14:35 Mängufilm Romance To The Rescue

16:20 Mängufilm *

18:00 10 Years Younger in 10 Days, H2/E19

19:00 , H13/E4

20:35 Mängufilm The Upside

23:05 Naked Attraction, H1/E5*

00:10 Naked Attraction, H1/E6*

01:10 Love Island, H6/E35

02:10 Mängufilm The Upside*

04:05 Postimees.ee, E1951