Duo 4 saatekava 24.06.2024 - 30.06.2024

Kava keel: en et

Esmaspäev 24.06.2024

06:40 House Rules Australia, H7/E36
07:45 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E118
08:35 Forbidden Apple, H5/E400
09:25 Home and Away, H36/E8163*
09:55 , E55*
10:50 Under the Clouds, H8/E7
11:45 , H5/E11
12:35 , H2/E3
13:30 , H2/E4
14:25 Mängufilm
16:15 Secrets, H4/E7
16:45 Reede ÕHTU!, H2/E7
18:00 First Dates, H4/E10
19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8164
19:30 , E56
20:30 Bachelor, H9/E5
21:35 , H2/E2
22:40 Friends, H8/E15
23:05 Friends, H8/E16
23:35 , E1
00:30 , H1/E4
01:20 Love Island, H4/E14
02:15 , H2/E3*
03:00 , H2/E4*
03:45 Postimees.ee, E2022

Teisipäev 25.06.2024

06:30 House Rules Australia, H7/E37
07:40 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E119
08:30 Forbidden Apple, H5/E401
09:25 Home and Away, H36/E8164*
09:55 , E56*
10:50 Under the Clouds, H8/E8
11:45 , H5/E12
12:35 , H2/E5
13:30 , H2/E6
14:25 Mountain Medic, H8/E1*
15:20 Mountain Medic, H8/E2*
16:15 Secrets, H4/E8
16:45 Reede ÕHTU!, H2/E8
18:00 First Dates, H4/E11
19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8165
19:30 , E57
20:30 Bachelor, H9/E6
21:35 , H2/E3
22:40 Friends, H8/E17
23:05 Friends, H8/E18
23:35 , E2
00:30 , H1/E5
01:20 Love Island, H4/E15
02:20 , H2/E5*
03:05 , H2/E6*
03:50 Postimees.ee, E2023

Kolmapäev 26.06.2024

06:15 House Rules Australia, H7/E38
07:30 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E120
08:25 Forbidden Apple, H5/E402
09:20 Home and Away, H36/E8165*
09:45 , E57*
10:45 Under the Clouds, H8/E9
11:40 , H5/E13
12:35 , H2/E7
13:30 , H2/E8
14:25 Mountain Medic, H8/E3*
15:20 Mountain Medic, H8/E4*
16:15 Secrets, H4/E9
16:45 Reede ÕHTU!, H2/E9
18:05 First Dates, H4/E12
19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8166
19:25 , E58
20:25 Bachelor, H9/E7
21:55 , H2/E4
23:00 Friends, H8/E19
23:30 Friends, H8/E20
23:55 , E3
00:45 , H1/E6
01:35 Love Island, H4/E16
02:35 , H2/E7*
03:15 , H2/E8*
04:10 Postimees.ee, E2024

Neljapäev 27.06.2024

06:05 House Rules Australia, H7/E39
07:20 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E121
08:10 Forbidden Apple, H5/E403
09:05 Home and Away, H36/E8166*
09:35 , E58*
10:30 Under the Clouds, H8/E10
11:30 , H5/E14
12:20 , H2/E9
13:20 , H2/E10
14:15 Mountain Medic, H8/E5*
15:10 Mountain Medic, H8/E6*
16:10 Secrets, H4/E10
16:40 Reede ÕHTU!, H2/E10
18:00 First Dates, H4/E13
19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8167
19:25 , E59
20:25 Bachelor, H9/E8
21:25 , H2/E5
22:30 Friends, H8/E21
22:55 Friends, H8/E22
23:25 , E4
00:25 , H1/E7
01:15 Love Island, H4/E17
02:10 , H2/E9*
02:55 , H2/E10*
03:50 Postimees.ee, E2025

Reede 28.06.2024

06:00 House Rules Australia, H7/E40
07:15 Old Bridge's Secret, H7/E122
08:10 Forbidden Apple, H5/E404
09:10 Home and Away, H36/E8167*
09:35 , E59*
10:35 Under the Clouds, H8/E11
11:30 , H5/E15
12:25 , H2/E11
13:20 , H2/E12
14:20 Mountain Medic, H8/E7*
15:15 Mountain Medic, H8/E8*
16:10 Secrets, H4/E11
16:40 Reede ÕHTU!, H2/E11
18:00 First Dates, H4/E14
19:00 Home and Away, H36/E8168
19:25 , E60
20:25 Mängufilm
22:05 Friends, H8/E23
22:30 Friends, H8/E24
23:00 , E5
00:00 , H1/E8
00:50 Love Island, H4/E18
01:50 , H2/E11*
02:35 , H2/E12*
03:20 Postimees.ee, E2026

Laupäev 29.06.2024

07:05 Mängufilm *
08:45 Eat Well for Less?, H1/E5*
09:40 Home and Away, H36/E8164*
10:10 Home and Away, H36/E8165*
10:35 Home and Away, H36/E8166*
11:05 Home and Away, H36/E8167*
11:35 Home and Away, H36/E8168*
12:00 , H2/E9
12:55 Bachelorette, H5/E10
14:35 Mängufilm
16:20 Mängufilm *
18:00 Eat Well for Less?, H1/E6
19:00 , H1/E10
20:25 Mängufilm
22:10 Friends, H9/E1
22:40 Friends, H9/E2
23:10 , E1*
00:05 , E2*
00:55 , E3*
01:45 Love Island, H4/E19
02:45 Dokumentaalfilm
04:08 Postimees.ee, E2027

Pühapäev 30.06.2024

07:50 Mängufilm *
09:30 Eat Well for Less?, H1/E6*
10:30 , H1/E2*
11:30 Gardener's ABC, H4/E72*
12:00 Trace, H1/E7*
12:30 , H2/E10
13:25 Bachelorette, H5/E11
14:35 Mängufilm
16:20 Mängufilm *
18:05 Eat Well for Less?, H1/E7
19:00 , H1/E11
20:25 Mängufilm Three Men and a Baby
22:20 , E4*
23:20 , E5*
00:15 Love Island, H4/E20
01:15 Mängufilm Three Men and a Baby*
02:55 Postimees.ee, E2028