Duo 4 saatekava 11.12.2023 - 17.12.2023

Kava keel: en et

Esmaspäev 11.12.2023

06:15 The Bachelorette, H18/E5
07:55 Old Bridge's Secret, H6/E1463
08:45 Forbidden Fruit, H4/E260
09:40 House Rules Australia, H7/E15
10:55 Under the Clouds, H12/E11
11:50 The Nanny, H6/E18
12:20 The Nanny, H6/E19
12:50 Mountain Medic, H8/E5
13:45 Mountain Medic, H8/E6
14:40 Gilmore Girls, H6/E5
15:35 , H4/E16
16:30 Secrets, H1/E3
17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E60*
18:00 First Dates, H6/E21
19:00 Mängufilm
20:50 Friends, H4/E12
21:20 Friends, H4/E13
21:50 , H5/E21
22:45 Love Island, H9/E43
23:45 Naked Attraction, H2/E4
00:30 Love Island, H2/E15
01:30 Mountain Medic, H8/E5*
02:15 Mountain Medic, H8/E6*
03:05 Postimees.ee, E1826

Teisipäev 12.12.2023

06:20 The Bachelorette, H18/E6
08:00 Old Bridge's Secret, H6/E1464
08:50 Forbidden Fruit, H4/E261
09:40 House Rules Australia, H7/E16
10:50 Under the Clouds, H12/E12
11:50 The Nanny, H6/E20
12:20 The Nanny, H6/E21
12:50 Mountain Medic, H8/E7
13:45 Mountain Medic, H8/E8
14:40 Gilmore Girls, H6/E6
15:35 , H4/E17
16:30 Secrets, H1/E4
17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E61*
18:00 First Dates, H6/E22
19:00 Mängufilm
20:50 Friends, H4/E14
21:20 Friends, H4/E15
21:50 , H5/E22
22:45 Love Island, H9/E44
23:45 Naked Attraction, H2/E5
00:30 Love Island, H2/E16
01:35 Mountain Medic, H8/E7*
02:20 Mountain Medic, H8/E8*
03:10 Postimees.ee, E1827

Kolmapäev 13.12.2023

06:40 The Bachelorette, H18/E7
08:20 Old Bridge's Secret, H6/E1465
09:10 Forbidden Fruit, H4/E262
10:05 House Rules Australia, H7/E17
11:25 Under the Clouds, H12/E13
12:25 The Nanny, H6/E22
12:55 Mountain Medic, H8/E9
13:50 Mountain Medic, H8/E10
14:45 Gilmore Girls, H6/E7
15:40 , H4/E18
16:30 Secrets, H1/E5
17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E62*
18:00 First Dates, H6/E23
19:00 Mängufilm A Homecoming for the Holidays
20:50 Friends, H4/E16
21:20 Friends, H4/E17
21:50 , H5/E23
22:45 Love Island, H9/E45
23:45 Naked Attraction, H2/E6
00:30 Love Island, H2/E17
01:35 Mountain Medic, H8/E9*
02:20 Mountain Medic, H8/E10*
03:10 Postimees.ee, E1828

Neljapäev 14.12.2023

06:15 The Bachelorette, H18/E8
07:55 Old Bridge's Secret, H6/E1466
08:50 Forbidden Fruit, H4/E263
09:45 House Rules Australia, H7/E18
10:55 Under the Clouds, H12/E14
11:50 , H1/E1
12:55 Mountain Medic, H8/E11
13:50 Mountain Medic, H8/E12
14:45 Gilmore Girls, H6/E8
15:40 , H4/E19
16:30 Secrets, H1/E6
17:00 Õhtu!, H6/E63*
18:00 First Dates, H6/E24
19:00 Mängufilm A Very Vintage Christmas
20:50 Friends, H4/E18
21:20 Friends, H4/E19
21:50 , H5/E24
22:45 Love Island, H9/E46
23:50 Naked Attraction, H3/E1
00:35 Love Island, H2/E18
01:35 Mountain Medic, H8/E11*
02:20 Mountain Medic, H8/E12*
03:05 Postimees.ee, E1829

Reede 15.12.2023

06:00 The Bachelorette, H18/E9
07:40 Old Bridge's Secret, H6/E1467
08:30 Forbidden Fruit, H4/E264
09:20 House Rules Australia, H7/E19
10:35 Under the Clouds, H12/E15
11:30 , H1/E2
12:30 Mountain Medic, H8/E13
13:25 Mountain Medic, H8/E14
14:20 Gilmore Girls, H6/E9
15:15 , H4/E20
16:05 Secrets, H1/E7
16:35 Reede ÕHTU!, H3/E3
18:00 First Dates, H6/E25
19:00 Mängufilm Picture a Perfect Christmas
20:50 Mängufilm
22:35 Friends, H4/E20
23:05 Friends, H4/E21
23:35 Love Island, H9/E47
00:40 Naked Attraction, H3/E2
01:20 Love Island, H2/E19
02:20 Mountain Medic, H8/E13*
03:05 Mountain Medic, H8/E14*
03:50 Postimees.ee, E1830

Laupäev 16.12.2023

07:05 Mängufilm *
08:45 Eat Well for Less?, H1/E8*
09:40 , E7
10:05 , H3/E9*
10:35 , H3/E10*
11:05 The Bachelor, H26/E7
12:45 The Bachelor, H26/E8
14:30 Mängufilm
16:15 Mängufilm *
18:00 Eat Well for Less?, H2/E1
19:00 , H3/E11
19:30 , H3/E12
20:00 Mängufilm
21:50 Naked Attraction, H2/E4*
22:35 Naked Attraction, H2/E5*
23:15 Naked Attraction, H2/E6*
00:00 Friends, H4/E22
00:30 Friends, H4/E23
01:00 Love Island, H2/E20
01:55 Mängufilm
03:30 Postimees.ee, E1831

Pühapäev 17.12.2023

06:35 Mängufilm *
08:15 Eat Well for Less?, H2/E1*
09:15 Season, H19/E16*
09:45 , E8
10:15 , H3/E11*
10:45 , H3/E12*
11:15 , H12/E7
12:50 The Bachelor, H26/E9
14:30 Mängufilm
16:15 Mängufilm *
18:00 Eat Well for Less?, H2/E2
19:00 , H3/E13
19:30 , H3/E14
20:00 Mängufilm
21:55 Naked Attraction, H3/E1*
22:35 Naked Attraction, H3/E2*
23:20 Love Island, H2/E21
00:30 Mängufilm *
02:05 Postimees.ee, E1832